The useful phrases below will help with your IELTS speaking Part 3.
For this part, it’s highly likely that you have to answer some questions related to IELTS Speaking Part 2. Therefore, to achieve higher score, you should know how to make a longer sentence and to avoid examiner’s brain-twisting questions. The method is that you should use these following sentences to demonstrate the probability of the incidents/ actions. As a consequence, the examiner can know that it’s just your opinion about this issues, not 100% true. The following useful phrases will definitely be a great IELTS tip for IELTS speaking Part 3.
- Band 8.0 Sample Answers for IELTS Speaking Test & Main Tips for 3 Speaking Parts
- Prediction for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and Part 3 (Jan – April, 2016)
- IELTS Recent Speaking Actual Test in September 2016 & Sample Answers
- Top Tips and Hints to Get Band 8.0 for IELTS Speaking
- IELTS Speaking Part 1 (Sep – Dec 2017) – Topic & Questions: Politeness & Band 8.0 Sample
For example:
Examiner: Let’s consider first of all why people decide to write a book. What sort of reasons do you think people have for writing novels?
Candidate: Well, some people say that every one of us has a good book inside us, but I think there are many various reasons why people write. It’s likely that they have a political message, but I think that there is a chance that they just feel that you have a story to tell, perhaps you can’t not write it.
1. To be have a tendency to do sth
Example: The young are always lured into social evils
==> The young have a tendency to be lured into social evils
Example: The young are always lured into social evils
==> The young have a tendency to be lured into social evils
2. It is likely that……
3. It seems to me that……
4. The chances are that…………
5. It is probable that…..
6. There is a chance that….