The IELTS partners publish numerous support materials with in-depth information about IELTS
Guide for agents
Provides information for education and migration agents so that they can guide their clients through IELTS.
Guide for institutions
Includes an overview of the test format, and helps organisations to identify the appropriate level of English language proficiency required for their programmes.
Guide for teachers
Provides information about the test, including assessment criteria for the Writing and Speaking tests. It also includes teacher resources for preparing students for IELTS, and introduces professional development opportunities for teachers through examining or research.
Ensuring quality and fairness in international language testing
Includes an overview of some of the key features of IELTS and how they contribute to reliable, relevant and fair language assessment − from the production of test materials, through test delivery, evaluation of test taker performance and test outcomes.
Results Verification Service
Offers guidance on how to register and use the Results Verification Service as part of a receiving organisation's application procedures. It also includes a downloadable copy of the Administrator Application Form.